Christmas Trees in red and white room

Air Purification Technology, Opening Windows & Dusting Can Clean Indoor Air Pollution

If you decide that you want an artificial tree or a live tree that could have been treated with chemicals, we recommend you open the windows every day, dust at least once per week, & get a professional air purifier to clean the indoor air. Not only will a good professional air purifier remove the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that may be off-gassing from your holiday tree, it will also be removing contaminants in the air from other products as well.

The Intellipure Ultrafine 468 & Air Doctor professional air purifiers have the ability to remove all the things that worry you like furniture off-gassing, viruses, fungi, bacteria, paints, solvents, aerosol sprays, cleansers, air fresheners, nail polish, pollen, mold, dust mites, & pet dander from the air.

Mamavation investigated the air purification industry and settled on Intellipure & Air Doctor as the best overall professional systems, but please take a venture over there to learn more about the best way to clean indoor air. Here’s a sale on the Intellipure & Air Doctor you can take advantage of this holiday season.

  • Air Doctor ($629)–(Use this link for an automatic $280 off each system) We rate this model the highest for the family room next to the entertainment center. Offers 3rd party results on particle efficiency, filters down to 0.003 microns, effective at killing SARS-COVID-2. Air Doctor sent a study conducted in September 2021 looking at how their machine handles particle efficiency. This machine was studied against the EXACT virus (SARS-COVID-2) that troubles us now and passed with flying colors. Here is the study for you to see yourself.
  • Intellipure Ultrafine 468 ($999, but use MAMAVATION10 for $100 off and free shipping)–We rate this model the highest for the family room next to the entertainment center. Offers 3rd party laboratory results on particle efficiency, filters down to 0.007 microns, effective in killing coronavirus H1N1 which is smaller than SARS-COVID-2.
  • Intellipure Compact ($459, but use MAMAVATION10 for free shipping)–smaller unit for 500 square foot office or bedroom. Offers 3rd party laboratory results on particle efficiency, filters down to 0.007 microns, effective in killing coronavirus H1N1 which is smaller than SARS-COVID-2.
  • Intellipure Whole House Ultrafine Cleaner ($2,495, but use MAMAVATION10 for $249.50 off and free shipping)–up to 5,000 square foot home provided there is only one HVAC machine, offers 3rd party laboratory results on particle efficiency, filters down to 0.007 microns, effective in killing coronavirus H1N1 which is smaller than SARS-COVID-2.

child & mother hanging christmas decorations on tree

If You’re Getting A Fresh Christmas Tree (Organic or Not) Follow These Steps For A Safer Holiday Season

Here are some basic rules of thumb to follow to keep your family safe while you have a live tree.

  • Water It. Fresh – i.e. full of water – trees don’t tend to light on fire as often as dry ones. If the tree you have your heart set on has needles falling off? Don’t buy it. Find one with needles that are hard to pull off.
  • Watch the Heat. Make certain that you place your tree away from any and all heat sources (even the ones you don’t think about) including fireplaces, radiators, heat vents, festive candles, or lights.
  • Certified Lights. Ensure sure all your indoor and outdoor Christmas lights have been tested in a lab by the UL/ANSI 533 or ETL/ITSNA for safety, and throw out any damaged lights and/or light sets.
  • Candles Be Gone. Keep all your holiday candles away from your Christmas tree, surrounding furniture, and décor.
  • Lights Out! Bedtime means lights off! ­Trees too! Turn off your Christmas tree just as you do your house lights.