Babies feel like they need a lot of stuff. As a first-time mom (or even second, third, fourth, etc.) it is easy to feel like you need to accumulate so many “critical” things but when you are debating wipe warmers and and 3rd rocking contraption it is time to step back and think what do you truly need and how to keep it free of toxic chemicals and …
“Grab & Go” Food Investigation: Breaking Down Meal Replacement and Protein Bars
Do you eat protein bars? They can get addicting. Stash a bar at your desk, slip one into your purse, or have one handy in your gym bag for after your workout. Sometimes protein bars can be filled with filled with sugar and regret, while other times they are good in a pinch. But how to make sure your choice isn’t any better than that homemade …
Greg Horn & Sexism Flourishing in the Natural Industry
I've got a bone to pick with the organic and natural industry. You guys, yes guys, let sexism reign in your industry and it's hurting women. Some questions I have: Where are all the women in leadership? Where are the female CEOs and women sitting on boards? You've disappointed me and I'm going to share a personal story I have of aggressive sexism …
3D Printers: Which Ones Have the Safest Ingredients for Your Family
In the past, helping your child create products was impossible outside of craft projects, artwork and sewing. Today, the advent of 3D printer technology means you can build your child an amazing maker space without spending thousands of dollars. This is a great holiday gift that can spark your child’s imagination and ignite an amazing career, but …
Which 30 Retailers Are Protecting Your Family From Toxic Chemicals?
Back in January, we reported on the official report card of Mind the Store. They graded 11 major retailers on how well they were protecting shoppers from unsafe chemicals in the products and packaging they carry. Many moms were shocked that favorite retailers Albertsons, Costco and Amazon all received a grade of "F" for not doing their best to put …
Help Stonyfield Inspire the Next Generation of Future Leaders! #FutureLeaders
If you’ve been reading Mamavation for a while, you know that Stonyfield Organic is one of the very first brands I supported after making the switch to organic food for my family. And when it comes to organic yogurt, I'm all about their line. I’ve always believed in their mission and their passion for protecting the planet. And now, years later, I’m …
200 Experts Agree The Chemical In This Toothpaste Is Toxic But We Have Better Alternatives
There’s a toxic ingredient in one of the most popular toothpaste brands on the market. It’s already been banned in other products here in the U.S., yet you could still be ingesting it each time you brush your teeth! And this brand of toothpaste is so popular, it used to be my preferred brand before I started looking into chemicals in personal …
10 Ways To Teach Your Kids Compassion for Animals
Learning about human encroachment, global warming and habitat destruction is important if we want to raise our children to be good global citizens. It's even more important if we want them to have compassion for animals. This year, Nature's Path EnviroKidz is giving away an EnviroTrip to Belize to experience conservation first hand! Keep on …
Dannon Yogurt Has Earned Some Street Cred. And This is Why.
Dannon Yogurt has earned some respect. They've made some changes. And they've managed it by doing something you wish your kids would do more often...listening. Dannon has been listening to us. Really listening. Not the kind of listening where you are just thinking about what you are going to say while the other person is still talking. I mean …
Study: Fragrance Ingredients in Axe Body Spray is Connected With a Lack of Virility & Fertility
That Axe Body Spray you’re bathing in before a hot date is ruining your junk! A bunch of male scientists got together to look at some common ingredients in male shampoos, body sprays & colognes. What they found was shocking. In fact, after reading this post you may decide to chuck your Axe Body Spray in the trash where it belongs. We've …
Dannon: Transparency and Non-GMO Feed for All its Cows
It seems we've reached the tipping point in the food labeling movement and Dannon is one of the leaders. Although mandatory labeling has yet to be required, major food companies are taking this step on their own. We've seen Mars, Kelloggs, and General Mills all decide to label the GMOs in their food in the interest of transparency. Now the cow is …
Expo West Finds: Natural Products You Don’t Want to Miss
Expo West is where natural products and brands of all kinds come together to showcase their new products along with old favorites. The brands range from big names in natural foods, like Amy's Kitchen, to the little guys just trying to get their product out there. I made a point to spend my weekend at the expo talking to as many brands as I could …